Sioux City values bicycling as a healthy, clean, and fun travel choice and is constantly striving to improve bicycling conditions. However, Sioux City also recognizes that many residents face a variety of challenges preventing them from bicycling as much as they would like to. To help address these challenges, SIMPCO launched a Bike Lane Study with RDG Planning & Design to make bicycling safer, easier, and more accessible for people of all ages and abilities.

What is a Bike Lane Study?

This Bike Lane Study is a planning document that guides investments in bicycle lane priorities, costs, and phasing. The plan will include recommendations for on-street bikeways, like bike boulevards and bike lanes. When complete, these bikeways will create a complete bicycle network that supports safe and comfortable bicycle travel, connecting people to destinations, the trails, and their neighborhoods.

How Do I Get Involved?

You are welcome to submit comments directly to SIMPCO Staff, Erin Berzina ( or RDG ( Project materials and updates will be posted regularly. However, the best way to give input is to take the survey later in June. This input will be joined with the analysis of existing conditions to develop a framework for an integrated network of bicycle facilities that serve all neighborhoods, providing connections to the Downtown, employment centers, and neighborhood schools.

6/02/2021 Meeting Presentation

7/07/2021 Meeting Presentation

7/07/2021 Meeting Minutes

8/04/2021 Meeting Presentation

8/04/2021 Meeting Minutes