Promoting Economic Vitality in Our Region

The Economic Development (ED) Division of SIMPCO offers various services to member communities, such as:
- Assisting downtown improvement groups with revitalizing main streets and business districts.
- Providing technical assistance for needs assessments and resource identification in economic development planning.
- Collaborating with multiple economic development and business groups.
- Promoting sustainable economic development efforts throughout the region.
Economic development involves creating stronger and more resilient communities by continually promoting the standard of living and economic well-being of the region. This can include activities such as attracting new businesses, supporting and retaining existing businesses, and improving the local workforce.
However, economic and workforce development also depend on strong infrastructure, sufficient housing options, and a high quality of life to ensure that workers and businesses are content, healthy, and productive.
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
The SIMPCO CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy) is a plan for regional economic development. It is the result of a regionally owned planning process aimed at promoting the economic prosperity and resilience of the Siouxland region.
SIMPCO works with the CEDS Committee, consisting of representatives from the public and private sectors, to oversee the CEDS and implement the plan’s goals and objectives. The current CEDS was approved by the SIMPCO Board of Directors on September 15, 2022. The CEDS document is designed to offer regional leaders, businesses, counties, and cities a framework for fostering regional economic growth.
If you are interested in learning more about how your community can implement the CEDS goals or joining the CEDS Committee, please contact the SIMPCO office at simpco@simpco.org or (712) 279-6286. Previous approved CEDS are available for review.
U.S. Highway 20 Corridor Economic Development Study
The U.S. Highway 20 corridor in Northwest Iowa and Northeast Nebraska is one of the most eagerly awaited transportation projects in the Siouxland region. This study highlights the economic development opportunities for the Siouxland region associated with the U.S. Highway 20 corridor, which stretches from Boston, Massachusetts, to Newport, Oregon.
The completion of the four-lane highway in the Siouxland region opens up numerous opportunities for the counties and communities along the corridor. To ensure the region is prepared to capitalize on these opportunities, the Siouxland Interstate Metropolitan Planning Council (SIMPCO) conducted this economic development study.