Contractors Wanted!!
Qualified contractors are needed to participate in SIMPCO’s housing programs. To participate as a contractor the following minimum requirements must be met:
- Must be registered with the State Department of Labor.
- Meet any local or state licensing and/or certification requirements.
- Be able to provide evidence of the training received in lead-safe work practices should the project require it.
- Provide current and active insurance certificates that document sufficient insurance coverage.
- Cannot be debarred or suspended from receiving federal funds or contracts.
Through a competitive bid process, contractors will submit sealed bids based on the provided specifications and approved scope of work prepared by the Housing Program staff. A responsive bidder is a contractor that has met the program participation requirements and all other material terms and conditions of the bid documents.
All projects are inspected by program staff. All work must be up to the minimum building standards of the project jurisdiction and abide by all applicable building codes. (Minimum Rehab Standards)
All contracts require lien waivers and are subject to final inspection before payment will be issued. Allow for 10-14 days for payment.
*The Siouxland Interstate Metropolitan Planning Council (SIMPCO) is requesting qualifications for technical services to assist SIMPCO’s Housing Rehabilitation Programs with lead-based paint risk assessments, lead paint clearance testing, radon testing, inspections, and work-write ups at owner-occupied properties participating in SIMPCO housing programs.
Description of the Project
SIMPCO is committed to providing safe, decent, and affordable housing for its residents and the maintenance of the SIMPCO region’s existing housing stock. Through the use of federal, state, & local funds SIMPCO provides rehabilitation services for low and moderate-income, single-family, owner-occupied properties. Services involve construction activities to bring the property into compliance with the local building code and housing quality standards.
Scope of Services
SIMPCO is requesting the services of a consultant/consulting firm for the following tasks:
- Perform risk assessments of selected single-family properties, including XRF testing of all interior and exterior surfaces, and collecting dust wipes following HUD-mandated procedures.
- Provide the Housing Rehabilitation program with a written risk assessment report including the results of the testing and recommendations for lead paint hazard reduction.
- Upon completion of construction at a participating property, the consultant will collect clearance samples and provide SIMPCO with written results within (5) working days.
- Perform Short-Term Radon Tests on individual properties and provide written test results to the program; secondary tests are to be completed as needed.
- Performing housing pre- and post-construction inspections.
- Create work write-ups and construction estimates for rehabilitation projects.
- Coordinate and communicate with SIMPCO housing staff, homeowners, and contractors.
If you are a qualified contractor wishing to participate in SIMPCO’s housing repair programs, call SIMPCO at 712-279-6286.