Supporting Safe and Sustainable Housing

- Home Rehab Grants
- Income Guidelines
- Fair Housing
- Contractor Information
Home Rehab Grants
Owner-Occupied Housing Repair/Rehab Program
SIMPCO and the WICIRHTF’s Owner-Occupied Housing Repair/Rehab Programs are designed to help low- to moderate-income residents in Cherokee, Ida, Monona, Plymouth, and Woodbury Counties in Iowa, (excluding Sioux City) maintain their homes in safe, decent, and livable conditions. When funds are available, the programs aim to complete home repairs that help maintain the integrity of homes in our communities. Eligible repairs include roofing, electrical work, plumbing, window replacement, foundation work, painting, siding, handicapped accessibility, and other necessary repairs. Program waitlist applications are accepted continuously. When funding becomes available, applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis until funds have been exhausted.
For more details about our housing programs, please call 712-279-6286.
Income Guidelines
All SIMPCO and WICIRHTF housing programs are limited to individuals and families who are at or below 80% of the median family income limits. HUD determines this limit each year. To qualify your household income must be below the limits in the chart.
2024 Income Guidelines
All SIMPCO and WICIRHTF housing programs are limited to individuals and families who are at or below 80% of the median family income limits. HUD determines this limit each year. To qualify your household income must be below the limits in the chart.
Household Size |
1 person | 2 people | 3 people | 4 people |
Cherokee |
52,950 |
60,500 |
68,050 |
75,600 |
Ida |
48,550 |
55,500 |
62,450 |
69,350 |
Monona |
48,550 |
55,500 |
62,450 |
69,350 |
Plymouth |
55,950 |
63,950 |
71,950 |
79,900 |
Woodbury |
51,800 |
59,200 |
66,600 |
74,000 |
Fair Housing
The Siouxland Interstate Metropolitan Planning Council (SIMPCO) and The Western Iowa Community Improvement Regional Housing Trust Fund (WICIRHTF) want to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to access housing and community development programs in a fair manner. To comply with this policy, SIMPCO and WICIRHTF have appointed a contact person to address any related inquiries. The contact details are as follows:
If you have concerns regarding fair housing, it's important to know the laws that protect you from housing discrimination:
Local: Many cities have local civil/human rights agencies that prohibit housing discrimination. Contact your local city hall for information.
State: The “Iowa Civil Rights Act” (Iowa Code 216) prohibits housing discrimination based on various factors, including race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, mental disability, physical disability, and familial status (presence of children in the home). You can find out how to file a complaint by viewing the Fair Housing Guide.
Federal: The Federal Civil Rights Act of 1866 and subsequent acts prohibit discrimination in housing based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, and familial status.
For further information about your housing rights, please contact:
Contractor Information
Attention Qualified Contractors: SIMPCO is currently seeking qualified contractors to participate in our housing programs. In order to be eligible, contractors must meet the following minimum requirements:
- 1. Be registered with the State Department of Labor.
- 2. Fulfill any local or state licensing and certification requirements.
- 3. Have evidence of training in lead-safe work practices if the project requires it.
- 4. Provide current and active insurance certificates demonstrating sufficient coverage.
- 5. Must not be debarred or suspended from receiving federal funds or contracts.
Contractors will participate in a competitive bid process by submitting sealed bids based on provided specifications and an approved scope of work prepared by the Housing Program staff. A responsive bidder is a contractor that has met the program participation requirements and all other material terms and conditions of the bid documents.
All projects will be inspected by program staff to ensure they meet the minimum building standards of the project jurisdiction and comply with all applicable building codes (Minimum Rehab Standards). Lien waivers are required for all contracts, and projects are subject to final inspection before payments are issued. Please allow 10-14 days for payment processing.
Additionally, SIMPCO is requesting qualifications for technical services to assist with lead-based paint risk assessments, lead paint clearance testing, radon testing, inspections, and work write-ups at owner-occupied properties participating in SIMPCO housing programs.
Description of the Project:
SIMPCO is dedicated to providing safe, decent, and affordable housing for its residents and maintaining the existing housing stock in the SIMPCO region. Through federal, state, and local funds, we provide rehabilitation services for low and moderate-income, single-family, owner-occupied properties.
Scope of Services:
Interested consultants/consulting firms are requested for the following tasks:
- 1. Perform risk assessments of selected single-family properties, including XRF testing of all interior and exterior surfaces, and collecting dust wipes following HUD-mandated procedures.
- 2. Provide the Housing Rehabilitation program with a written risk assessment report including the results of the testing and recommendations for lead paint hazard reduction.
- 3. Upon completion of construction at a participating property, collect clearance samples and provide SIMPCO with written results within (5) working days.
- 4. Perform Short-Term Radon Tests on individual properties and provide written test results to the program; secondary tests are to be completed as needed.
- 5. Perform pre- and post-construction inspections.
- 6. Create work write-ups and construction estimates for rehabilitation projects.
- 7. Coordinate and communicate with SIMPCO housing staff, homeowners, and contractors.
If you are a qualified contractor interested in participating in SIMPCO’s housing repair programs, please call SIMPCO at 712-279-6286.