Project Purpose:
In response to a call for projects to be funded through the US EDA CARES Act program, the City of Sergeant Bluff submitted a request for analysis of Senior Services needed and available, especially as affected by COVID-19.
Project Background:
In recent years, the City of Sergeant Bluff has had significant improvements for outdoor recreation including facilities, trails, and bike/pedestrian networks. Most projects were perceived as beneficial solely to the City’s student population.
In light of a complete stop to structured programming such as the Congregate Meal Site due to COVID, the City recognized an opportunity to fully assess services, facilities, and collaborations benefitting its 60+ population.
Key City staff, American Legion representatives, and members of the Senior Committee served on a steering committee to determine desired outcomes of the project. A survey was sent to 500 residents with senior residents targeted where known. The survey included some demographic detail, accessibility, and itemized interests and activities including but not limited to:
Use of existing and previously available facilities
Interest in shared use of existing facilities
Physical activities/exercise opportunities
Life-long learning
How-To sessions
Access to & Participation in the Arts
The study was presented to the City Council on July 27, 2021, with an overview of outcomes and plan layout including:
Potential Funding Opportunities
Future Impact:
The Sergeant Bluff Active Adult and Senior Services Study provides a basic guide for consideration when implementing, coordinating, or recommending services, programs, or activities. It offers an analysis of actual interests and reference to like-programming fully implemented through other agencies/organizations. It is intended to facilitate long-term programming and resource allocation to effectively incorporate the needs of all residents.