SIMPCO is currently working to deliver a new Woodbury County Comprehensive Plan 2040 to help guide the county forward through the next 20 years. The goal of the project is to develop a 20-year policy-guiding comprehensive plan that will help ensure that future plans for residential, commercial, and industrial growth, county services, facilities, and amenities remain consistent with the visions and desires of Woodbury County residents and businesses. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has affected the County and resident’s daily life, the Plan will also address public health, safety, and disaster response, recovery, and resiliency planning. This project is partially funded by a U.S. EDA CARES Act grant.

SIMPCO is excited to work with Woodbury County to develop the Plan and will be conducting several opportunities for public input throughout its development, both virtually and in-person. Surveys and events will be publicized on this page, through Woodbury County’s information outlets, City Halls, and various social media outlets.

Please contact Erin Berzina for more information on this exciting project. See below for more information on meetings, surveys, and plan development!

DRAFT Goals and Objectives Public Input

  • Review the DRAFT Goals and Objectives for the Woodbury County Comprehensive Plan Update linked here.
  • Review the working DRAFT of the updated plan here.
  • Submit any comments, questions, or input at this link:

Public Input Open-Houses

On April 26th, Woodbury County will host a public input open house to receive comments on the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan.  See below for the event details, or view the event flyer here.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

The basement of the Woodbury County Courthouse

620 Douglas St, Sioux City, IA

Steering Committee Meeting Agendas:

Steering Committee Meeting Summaries:

Steering Committee Meeting Slides:



Erin Berzina, Regional Planning Director
